Research Lines


In the course of the last two decades important transitions have marked the investigation and understanding of organizational phenomena and especially the interface between their different levels of apprehension and analysis. Such changes increasingly signal the socially constructed nature of the phenomenon we call organization and, as a result, emphasize the role of individuals and the processes of social interaction in their ontogenesis and dynamics. This reinforces the understanding that any organizational process, including the decisions that shape their management policies and strategies, can and should be analyzed taking into account the view of the actors as individual and collective subjects simultaneously. The central focus of this research line is precisely to analyze how the processes within these two levels – individual and collective – interact in the configuration of singular work environments, and in the determination of more or less healthy organizational patterns for individuals and collectives organized around missions and objectives. Thus, issues associated to psychic health, the quality of the links that articulate people, the quality of the work life, the impacts of management models, the processes of change, restructuring and ruptures that mark the trajectories – both individual and organizational – become concrete phenomena that will lead to the investigation of how the psychosocial mechanisms involved in them form, in an intimate articulation, individuals, organizations and the very context in which they move. Such concretization will take place against the background of the transformations that have marked the world of labour and require from the organizations and the individuals new standards of signification of their work activity, and new rules of coexistence and relations within the networks that define the identity of each organizational enterprise. Thus, in a broad sense, research projects should turn to understand the role of people – in the different roles they can play – as constructors of organizations, and how such construction retroacts on the worker him/herself, affecting his/her identity, their ways of life and existence and their psychological health in particular.

ON-GOING PROJECTS FILE - Individuo_e_trabalho_processos_microorganizacionais.pdf  (11 PÁG )


The tradition of research in Social Psychology has produced discussions and knowledge about the relationship individual / culture / society. Such discussions have produced controversies around the epistemological bases of the knowledge produced in the area, taking as reference studies produced on more "individualising" bases of the influence of the social medium on behaviors, coming from the Anglo-American tradition, having as one of its current theories those identified as Studies of Social Cognition. On the other hand, the studies included in the so-called French psychosociology and those taking the assumptions of the historical-cultural perspectives, which are referred to as having more "socializing" bases, are also present in the same relation. of cultural psychology, placing the centrality of culture in human minds, giving meaning to actions, and building a way of approaching the Research Line of Developmental Transitions and Educational Processes and, consequently, the other area of ​​concentration of the Program. Inserting itself in this discussion, this line of research proposes to develop studies that provide reflections and clarifications on the epistemological and methodological issues that surround this question. Within the first perspective, research on minority stereotypes (blacks, HIV carriers, foreigners, women, etc.) has been developed, having made it possible to build a dialogue with the results of studies carried out from the second perspective, which refers to the study of representations and meanings of childhood, family, marriage, homosexuality, violence in its various forms and institutions that propose a strugle, etc. The line of research proposes not only to produce a closer understanding of the objects under study, but also to contribute to the discussion of the epistemological foundations of the knowledge produced.

ON-GOING PROJECTS FILE - cognicao_social_e_dinamica_interacionais.pdf (4PÁG)


This line of research congregates investigators that are dedicated to studying clinical aspects of process-health-care in contexts of development. Their work is based on psychoanalysis, constructive-social psychology, behavior analysis among others. They utilize diverse methodology, with a ethical and political view addressed to strength a) public policies of Brazilian health system (SUS-Sistema Único de Saúde), b) knowledge in the area and c) professional excellence in different context. This involve studies about children, teenager and adult health related to behavioral and intersubjective processes, and they consider categories as gender, social status, race/ethnicity and cultural practice with the goal to understand a broad of themes including mental health and care, clinic of the subject, symptom and treatment, mourning, subject and subjectivity; violence, family; health training and psychological practices; educational processes and health;  mental health and university; clinical and psychosocial  practice in levels of  health service.  


The studies developed in this line of research have focused on family and educational institutions as development contexts, development at risk, interventions with families and educational institutions, and the concepts of family, childhood and education. These themes have been approached in different historical contexts and under different theoretical-methodological perspectives (Evolutionary Psychology, Attachment Theory, Social Learning Theory, Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Psychology, neuroscience models and Cultural Psychology). These areas of research are articulated through the effort to describe processes and mechanisms related to individual ontogeny in context, also considering ecological, biological, social and historical-cultural factors.
Research conducted along these lines can have repercussions for the formulation of public policies, insofar as they elucidate causal links between experiences and current and future development, both at the level of prevention, assuming continuity in development processes, and at other levels, assuming discontinuity, ruptures and reorientations. Thus, it is possible to foresee a production of knowledge capable of subsidizing policies and practices in the care of children and other age groups in developmental transition, in contexts of education and health care.

ON-GOING PROJECTS FILE - transicoes_desenvolvimentais_e_processos_educacionais_0.pdf (17  PÁG)

