Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee of the UFBA Institute of Psychology (CEP-IPS) was approved by the National Commission for Research Ethics (CONEP) in December 2014, effectively starting its activities in June 2015. CEP-IPS is a collegiate body whose main purpose is to protect the interests of research participants in their integrity and dignity, contributing towards the development of research within the ethical standards that are consensually accepted and legally advocated, based on the principles of autonomy, benefit, non-maleficence, justice and equity, according to the definitions spelled in Resolution n. 466 of December 12, 2012, of the National Health Council (CNS). This Committee is composed of 9 (nine) full members and 5 (five) alternates, with the following composition: two faculty representatives and their respective alternates of the Psychology and Social Work programme, indicated by their respective collegiates; a representative of the student body and respective substitute of the Graduate Program in Psychology; and two representatives of the users and one alternate (the member in this category should be linked to the civil society organization involved with the interests of groups potentially participating in research in the human and social sciences, primarily in the field of human rights); two representatives from departments outside the UFBA Institute of Psychology and one alternate. The Committee currently works on the first floor of the Institute. According to the Resolution CNS 466/2012, the phase related to data collection, at the time of the contact with the participants, can only be initiated after the approval of the project by the CEP. For a research project to be appreciated by the CEP, the researcher must register his/her research in the Brazil Platform, with the protocol duly instructed according to the requirements related to his type of research.

The researcher can access the list and the models of documents to be attached in the site Instituto de Psicologia da UFBA.

CEP contacts can be through the e-mail

